NAMERI NATIONAL PARK: The Nameri National Park of 200 sq kms area is located in the Sonitpur district, bordering Arunachal Pradesh and it is also the core area of Nameri Tiger Reserve (344sq kms). It is the home of Mammals like Elephant, Tiger, leopard, Sambar,Barking deer, Hog Deer, Wild Boar,Gaur, slow loris,gaplangur,Burmese ferret badger, and over 350 species of birds including White-winged Wood Duck, Ibisbill (uncommon), Ruddy Kingfisher, Palla’sfishing eagle,Lesser Adjutant stork , Greater spotted eagle,Rufous necked hornbill, Great pied Indian hornbill, Wreathed hornbill, Long-billed Ringed Plover, Sultan Tit, and Yellow-bellied and White-throated Fantails. Another important wild life sanctuary of
- Elephants in Nameri
- Rafting at Jia Bharali River in Nameri
- Nature Walk in Nameri
- Nature Walk inside Nameri National Park
- Guided Bird Watching tour
- River Rafting in Jia Bharali river